Merit Pages for Students

We use Merit to celebrate student accomplishments and turn those achievements into a verified online profile - a Merit page - for our undergraduate students. Students' Merit pages are updated by Wisconsin Lutheran College when students make the Dean's List, earn academic awards, graduate, and more.
Updates to Merit pages are also shared with a network of stakeholders that care deeply about each student’s success: their high school, their hometown media outlets, their parents and friends via social networks. Updating these important audiences with personalized stories of success helps us share the distinct accomplishments and achievements of our students.


Your Merit page helps people who make decisions about internships, grad school and jobs find the “good stuff” about you and get a better picture of what you’ve done and what you’ve been recognized for. Because your Merit page is updated by Wisconsin Lutheran College, it’s got credibility that a resume alone can’t match. And better yet, it’s updated for you! It’s like a resume or a LinkedIn profile that builds itself and that you don’t have to remember to update. The Office of Marketing and Communication writes and publishes the stories; you just have to share them!

For Parents

Merit makes it easy for parents to share your accomplishments. With a simple "like" or "share" your parents can spread the word to relatives, neighbors, and friends.

For Prospective Employers

Merit can help you succeed in the next stage of your life journey. Since Merit profiles are public and can be linked to your LinkedIn profile, it can help you stand out!

Claim Your Merit Profile

During the first semester of each academic year, the Office of Marketing and Communication sends an email to new undergraduate students, activating their individual Merit profiles.

To claim your profile:
  • Visit WLC's Merit Page
  • Enter your name in the search bar
  • Click on your name to be taken to your profile
  • On your profile page, click the USE EMAIL link in the black box in the upper-right corner
  • Merit will send instructions to your WLC email address so you can sign in to your profile

Once you've claimed your page, you'll be able to enhance and add to it. You can customize your Merit page URL, add a profile photo, bio, and other activities and work experience. You can even include photos and videos to your activities to further enhance your online branding and demonstrate your achievements. Connecting your Merit page to your social networks ensures that your friends and family can also see and learn about the great opportunities you’re taking advantage of and being recognized for at Wisconsin Lutheran College. It’s an important way for you to share your story and help us tell it!


We believe that Merit is a beneficial tool for our students, but we also value your privacy. If for any reason you wish to opt-out of Merit, you can click the "opt-out" link on your claimed Merit page or email us for further instructions.

Contribute a Story

Our Merit Contribution Form allows faculty and staff an opportunity to share student accomplishments on our Merit page. As a contributor, your goal is to share stories about the students and programs that you're involved with at WLC. These stories are vital to painting a picture of each student's college career.

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